Monday, June 8, 2015

The Surprising Truth About Egg Yolks

Most meal plans you buy from trainers or online all have one common tip: egg whites only. Sound familiar? This is because the majority of the fat in eggs is all contained in the yolk. There has also been a lot of bad talk about yolks being high in cholesterol. Sounds legitimate.
The truth is, in the '70s, cereal companies spent big bucks convincing Americans that eggs were too high in cholesterol and were associated with heart risks- this fact did not come from well-meaning nutritionists. What you SHOULD know is that there is a huge difference in bad cholesterol, and dietary (good) cholesterol- which eggs are full of! The real problem- NOT eggs- with diabetes and obesity is the intake of too much processed food.
What I really want you to know is I eat whole eggs every day- usually 3- and you should too. When you realize how good they are for you, it’s hard to pass them up. Although the yolk only contains 43%  of the egg’s protein (which is why so many lean towards the egg whites only as a source of breakfast protein),  the yolk is also a smaller portion than the egg whites- making it more protein-rich in actuality. 
What’s Inside
To put it plainly, the yolk of 1 large egg has 2.7 g protein, 210 mg cholesterol,
0.61 g carbohydrates, 4.51 g total fat.
Egg yolks are undoubtedly one of the richest sources of the B-complex vitamin choline- which is associated with better neurological function and reduced inflammation. Not only that, but choline breaks down into bethane, which is used during the methylation cycle. To speak plainly, this helps produce ‘happiness’ hormones such as serotonin, dopamine, and neorephinephrine. To top it off, choline helps fetal brain development when eaten by pregnant women.
While the egg whites contain a great amount of protein, it is a fact that all the vitamins and minerals are solely in the yolk.  Minerals include calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese, etc.
Egg yolks are high in Sulphur- this is an indispensable nutrient that helps with vitamin B absorption and liver function. Sulphur is also necessary for production of collagen and keratin, which we all know is vital for creating and maintaining shiny hair, strong nails, and glowing skin.
While the actual color tones varies, it does not directly affect the nutritional value. The yellow color characterizing the yolk is due to lutein and zeaxanthin, which are yellow or orange carotenoids known as xanthophylls. Lutein and zeaxanthin protect again vision loss- ever hear the old sayin about eating carrots for better vision? This is the truth behind the joke- yellow and orange foods contain carotenoids and are great for your vision health!
The color is wholly influenced by chicken feed. As you may imagine, the better the chicken is fed, the higher egg quality is produced. This meaning using a feed comprising  a large component of yellow, fat-soluble pigments. A good example of this is alfalfa- a dark green plant.
If I haven’t totally convinced you of while I so highly regard eggs in whole, here’s a fun fact for you! The yolk is often used to make liquors like egg nog. The yolk can also be extracted for egg oil to be used in various cosmetic, nutritional and medicinal uses.

I hope you’ve found this information not only interesting, but highly useful. Enjoy! 

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